Washington's Got Talent 2025
The Washington Health System Foundation
SHO (Students Helping Others) Committee
Proudly Presents our 11th annual finale
Date: January 26, 2025
Doors open at 12 Noon for Lunch
Time: 1:30 - 4:00 PM
Location: Chartiers Houston High School
Pay it Forward provides tickets for
those in need
PPT - Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program - supports young parents
ECHO (Educate Children for Healthy Outcomes) - one - on - one educational mentoring for youth/teens
Real Talk for Real TeensTM - sexuality education that has reached over 300,000 young people since 1988
Peer Education - trained teens teach their peers since 1995
Real Talk Performers - teens providing cutting edge educational drama since 1996
Adolescent Advisory Board - young people offering curricullum guidance since 1999
Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs ONLY to You - child abuse prevention education
Me Too: Real Talk about Sexuality for People of ALL Abilities - youth and adult education individuals living with differing abilities
Road to Mental Health Education - a five pronged educational approach to preventing youth suicide
Nonnie Talks about Series - 12 parent/child interactive books on life's tough topics

Teen Center Cooking Club
makes tomato sauce with veggies from our Teen Outreach Garden!

PPT Program